2016 Goals

[av_textblock size=” font_color=” color=”] One thing that I’ve never done is actually write down what I would like to accomplish this year. So here it goes. I would like to work from home and generate enough income to pay tithe, mortgage, bills, and car note. While still having enough to contribute to savings and a yearly vacation. My goal is to be so successful that my wife doesn’t have to return to work and my daughter won’t have to go to daycare. Is it possible? I believe that it is.

I’ve been watching videos by Brady Shearer, the founder of Pro Church Tools. He his wife and their adorable daughter vlog daily. They have no idea that with every post they give me hope that one day soon I can break free of this rat race.

All of my life I’ve believed that working downtown for a corporation would be the pinnacle of success for me. Been there, and done that (actually am here, and doing that). I now know that this is not the life God intended for anyone.

Aside from financial goals I would also like to be more disciplined, get up earlier, be more consistent in family worship, go to the doctor and dentist for check-ups (I’m a typical man…I haven’t been to the doctor in years!!).

As A.Y. leader at church I would like to see the youth of Downsview have a more meaningful relationship with God. As Web developer I would like to see downsviewsda.org be the best church website on the internet. Offering ways for readers/watchers to feel like they are a part of an actual church. I would also like to finally finish Desire of Ages (I’ve been almost done for months)

Personally I would also love to learn Virtual Reality development and 3d Game programming.

I know that this post is full of random ideas, but I’m praying that 2016 be the year when my dreams can become reality!

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